Reno 911!: Miami - The Movie
*sponsored*Are you ready for a comedy DVD? I always love funny comedy and especially comedy in uniforms. I still remember the days when Police Academy was a hit. If you are comedy fan like me, remember to watch out for the DVD release of Reno 911! Miami The Movie on June 19, 2007. Get a few friends over for a pizza and movie night. Well, it would be nice if I can have one. It has been the longest time since we had a DVD night at home.
Reno 911! Miami The Movie is so good that my husband and I can watch it over and over again on the DVD. If you are planning to get one, remember to watch out for the scene ... well ... I don't want to spoil it ... but I am just going to give out a little bit. If you want don't want the spoiler, just skip the below paragraph.
Spoiler: One of the cops was driving with his partner in the police car. The driver kinda fell asleep and dreaming at the same time ... and he was having a very sweet and weird dream. He woke up suddenly and he said to his partner he was having a weird dream, the partner said to him, "Do you know you are driving?" ... guess what happened next? if you want to find out ... you gotta watch the clip here.
I like this scene so much that I will keep laughing and laughing when repeated. There are others funnier scenes too but you have to get your own Reno 911! Miami The Movie dvd to see them. So remember ... the release date is June 19, 2007, a week from today.