Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Need a Loan?


Some time along your life, you will need to borrow some money for a house, for car, it could be for anything. We have been through many loan applications and some of them are very long winded with so many paperworks and a few are easy and hassle free.

Currently we still have 2 loans that still needed to pay off, our mortgage and our car payment. Our mortgage is a 15 years fixed program and our car loan is a 3 years with only 1.9% (special promotion with Toyota) interest rate. We are almost at the end for our car payment. Only 3 more months and we will have one less payment to make a month. As for our house, it will still be a long way to go, about 12 more years, before we can fully pay off. Unless we win a lottery, may be then we can pay off the mortage with a lumpsum.

If you are a home buyer, interest rate for the home mortgages are still low, considering the housing market is still pretty strong. So if you are thinking of getting a home, you will still get a low interest rate for your mortgage. 10 to 15 years back, the interest rate was above 10%, may be even above 15%. Now the rate is only 6-7% depending on your credit history.

Before you decide to submit an application, check and compare loans online. Visit Loanwize, where you can search over 250 loan plans at one site. There is a possibility that they can offer you a very good rate.