Friday, April 6, 2007

Britney Spears and Drug Rehab Center


Do you remember not too long ago Britney Spears checked herself into a drug rehabilitation center? She blamed her postpartum depression for her bad drinking and drugs habit. She should have try checking out Narconon Stone Hawk’s treatment program.

It is important to identify which substance was abused by the patient. Stone Hawk offers professional consultants to help each individual, depending on age, to choose the most suitable drug or alcohol addiction treatment program. Instead of using drug or medication to treat the student, Stone Hawk uses a proper combination of nutritious diet and supplement to eliminated student’s addiction. Depending on individual, program may take anywhere between 4-6 months.

Narconon Stone Hawk has over 70% graduates beat their addiction successfully. Graduates leaving the center will be able move back into their lives, living free of their addiction.